Monday, January 2, 2017

Yosemite - Tunnel View. Canon 6D + Canon EF 100mm F/2

Canon 6D and Canon EF 100mm F/2 Lens - Yosemite's Tunnel View

Most people don't think of a telephoto lens as a good landscape lens.  I hope the photo above demonstrates that a telephoto lens should not be overlooked as a great landscape photography tool!  I can tell you this photo is extremely sharp at 100% corner to corner. Wide open at F2, the Canon 100mm F2 is very sharp in the middle and 2/3rds frame and slightly softer towards the edges.  It has minor chromatic abberation wide open.  This lens at $400-$500 gives the Canon 70-200 F/2.8L IS II a run for its money, and at f/2.8 has brighter corners than the $2,000 2.8 zoom and is just as sharp, if not ever so slightly sharper.  And yes that analysis is on a 50 Megapixel Canon 5DSR.  For wider shots, I also carry around my Canon 16-35mm F4L IS.  

Some more photography samples.  This lens melts away backgrounds and performs excellently wide open at F2.  

Great for low light indoor shots.  This photo was shot in very low light conditions at F/2.0, 4000 ISO on my Canon 6D.  Keep in mind if this were shot on a Canon 70-200 2.8L zoom at 2.8, this would've required 8,000 ISO to achieve the same exposure, effectively ruining the photo with noise. 

And great for portraiture

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