Thursday, February 13, 2020

Fujifilm X100V vs. Fujifilm 23mm WR F2 Lens Sharpness Comparison (surprising results)

Fujifilm X100V
26MP, 4K/30, Tilt-Screen, Weathersealed
The Ultimate X100 is here

(Photo courtesy of Fujifilm)


The things I am excited about with the X100V:
  • Weathersealing!! Finally... I mean the whole point of this camera is for travel and portability right?
  • Tilt-screen.  Again this camera is for the street. This camera needs a tilt screen.
  • Classic negative. Yeah, Fujifilm... XPRO 3 gets CN but not the XT3?  I guess this is how I get CN.
  • USB-C.  This streamlines all my other devices (except iPhone) :-/

The new lens... sorely needed. But does it hold up? I am concerned about AF speed.  The 23 WR is a speed demon on the XT3... and silent. not sure how this holds up. I will report. And  if necessary, I won't be nice.

Here is something I put together using stock photos showing how the X100F has evolved into the X100V.  It grew just a tad as you can see.  Probably not enough to notice in real world use.  But please Fujifilm, no more growing!

The Test: Fujifilm 23mm F2 WR vs. X100V
Which 23mm is better?

Fujifilm boasts a new 23mm Mark II lens on the X100V.  We all know this.  Fujifilm even publishes its own MTF charts which shows the X100V to have higher marks than the 23 WR.  Since I own the Fujifilm XT3 and Fujifilm 23mm F2 WR AND now the X100V, I decided to shoot some tests.

Method: Both RAW, both on tripod, both with 2 second timer, both single point AF, both 160 ISO, both auto shutter, both zeroed out on exposure comp. In other words, both cameras were identical.

Fast forward?  The Fujifilm 23mm F2 WR is sharper at these medium distances.  At close distances (at about a foot, the X100V blows the 23 WR away by far) wide open.  I will do additional tests as time permits at Infinity distance, but I'm disappointed in this showing. I honestly thought the X100V would fare better.  To make sure it's not a fluke, I shot the X100V an additional three times with identical results.  The XT3/23 WR shots were the first and only take.  And it provided an excellent showing.  Interestingly, the X100V lens shows nearly NO benefit from F2 to F8. It looks virtually identical even in the corners and edges. Stopping down provides no sharpness benefit. This is great performance.  

For all tests, the XT3 and 23MM F2 WR is left and X100V is always on the right
Click on the photos to enlarge them
All photos shot in raw and imported into Lightroom and exported making no changes whatsoever. No further edits.

^F2 Overall Framing

F2 Center

F2 Edge

 ^F8 Overall Framing

F8 Center

F8 Edge

 Close-up 23MM WR F2 wide open

Close-up X100V wide open

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