Sunday, June 7, 2020

Fujifilm X100V lens sharpness vs. Fujifilm 23 F2 WR at 2-3 feet distance

Fujifilm X100V
26MP, 4K/30, Tilt-Screen, Weathersealed
Part II of my X100 Mark II lens comparison (vs. XF 23 WR)

Short-Medium Distance Lens Testing Vs. 23 WR

Some have noted that the new X100V Mark II lens is sharper than the Fujifilm 23 F2 WR.  So far my testing has shown this is only true at distances less than 2 feet.  Lets say 1-2 feet and especially beyond all the way to infinity... where you would be shooting much of your photos.  Those tests will come soon. For now, this is a test at 2-3 feet!

Below I demonstrate how close both lenses are evenly matched even at 2-3 ft. distance.  If you're super-pixel-peeping, you can see the X100 Mark II lens has just a tad more micro-detail.  Just a tad.  My testing shows even a few inches out and beyond, both lenses even out where the 23 WR actually is more detailed (just a tad) as you move out slightly beyond 2-3 ft.  

For all intents and purposes, I'd say these lenses are pretty equal--again except for those distances at 1-2 feet.

For fun, I tested against the Canon RF 35 macro and no surprise, the Canon RF 35mm 1.8 is sharper than both of these lenses, but not by a large margin--just a quite noticeable one at 1:1.  

I can post that result if anyone is interested.

Below are example taken using the Fujifilm XT3 with 23 WR lens and X100V -- both wide open -- both imported into Lightroom and matched for exposure.  Sharpness and all other edits at ZERO so we are comparing apples to apples in terms of sharpness.

Right Crop 1:1

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