Sunday, November 6, 2022

Fujifilm X-T3 Beauty Shot -- Putting my X-T5 order on hold

Fujifilm X-T3

For years, since launch, the X-T3 has been my most beloved, cherish, and treasured camera I've ever used or owned.  It's stylish, it's fast, it's high quality, and every dial, button, action feels so positive and so mechanical. I've been waiting for a true X-T3 successor and finally the X-T5 was announced very recently. It's a beauty, but here's why I'm putting it on hold:

1) Design.  The X-T5 is beautiful, don't get me wrong, however it's as I suspected a slightly overly modern evolution of the X-T line which from X-T1 through X-T2, maintained a consistent style.  The X-T5 much like the X100V, transitioned into a highly modern interpretation.  Still retro, but not quite as "Classic" as the X-T3.  Despite owning the X100V, I still think the X100F is still peak retro and to me still is peak Fujifilm. I believe peak Fujifilm days are over.

2) IBIS.  Honestly, I'm thrilled Fujifilm was able to reduce the size of the X-T5 to a reasonable level and retain IBIS, but still, I don't need it and don't want it.  I like the idea of a static stills camera.

3) 40MP/IQ.  No doubt in clean light, the X-T5 sensor should produced cleaner images. But in low light, high ISO situations, so far from what I am seeing is the new sensor is a bit noisier.  I think 26MP is good enough.

4) Quality. I have my quality concerns. I've seen in a recent popular Youtuber's review (a well respected one in the Fujifilm circles) that the buttons on the back as I've suspected and even posted, feel and look a bit cheap and plasticky, like the X-T4.  The X-T3 buttons all feel spectacular.  

5) Look at it. The photo above. Love it!

One day I'll make the move to the X-T5, but the X-T3 will always have a spot in my heart. It's beautiful and classic!!!

My X-T3 setup below:

Fujifilm X-T3

JJC Soft Shutter

Leica Red Leather Strap

Fujifilm 35mm F2 R LM WR

Titanium Lugs

Fujifilm MHG-XT3 Metal Grip

Glass Screen Protector (Tempered)

Fujifilm GFX50S Eyecup 

B&W 43mm UV Filter

Thank you for using my links if you do, I get a percentage for purchases made using my links! 

Thursday, September 16, 2021


Fujifilm X-T3

Over the years I've changed the appearance and general setup of my Fujifilm X-T3 but this is what I've ultimately settled on.  

Fujifilm X-T3

JJC Soft Shutter

Leica Red Leather Strap

Fujifilm 18mm 1.4 R LM WR

Titanium Lugs

Fujifilm LH-XF18 Metal Hood

Fujifilm MHG-XT3 Metal Grip

Glass Screen Protector (Tempered)

Fujifilm GFX50S Eyecup 

BW 62mm Clear Filter

Fujifilm Graphite Metal Hot Shoe Cover (Not for sale)

Hope you like my setup! Appreciate using my links, I get a commission for every dollar spent but it does not affect you.  Everything on this page is actually purchased and used by me and highly recommended.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Canon RF 50mm 1.8 STM now for pre-order (The *new* nifty fifty!)

 Canon RF 50mm 1.8  

This lens appears to be a re-worked version of the "old" Canon EF 50mm 1.8 STM, but for the RF mirrorless mount.  It appears to have a slightly revised optical design with extra aspherical element.  I just pre-ordered mine here.

Thanks for using my Amazon referral link where I earn a small percentage. Can't wait to review this lens!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

EOS RP vs. Fujifilm XE1 using Canon 70-200 F4L II + Lens Turbo II + 1.4 extender

Fujifilm XE-1: Supercharged and Speedboosted vs. Full Frame Native    

Fujifilm XE-1 + Lens Turbo II - Canon 70-200 F4L IS Version II

Here's a quick comparison of something I always wanted to do: compare extremely high quality glass on full frame vs. aps-c, however instead of putting said glass on the XE-1 "dumb style" using open air, I wanted to equalize it with full frame as much as possible by correcting the projection using a Mitakon Zhongyi Lens Turbo II (aka speed booster or focal reducer)  Using the focal reducer isn't an exact 1:1 conversion but pretty darn close.  Zhongyi quotes a crop factor of 0.73x.  So 200mm on APS-C would be 300mm, but corrected with a focal reducer on Fujifilm, yields approximately 219mm F.4.3.  In trying to match 200mm F4 in this case, it's close enough.  Full frame still technically wins but as you can see below, the Fujifilm does surprisingly well considering I just added extra glass elements to the equation for which this Canon lens was clearly not designed for.  This shows how much power XTRANS technology yields.  A highly regarded photography site quoted the XE-1 as having 24mp equivalence due to its XTRANS technology, despite being rated at 16mp. I believe it.  Here you can see how it compares with Canon full frame at 26mp!

Bonus: I tested a Canon 1.4x converter on both cameras for 280mm on the Canon EOS RP, and 306mm on the X-E1.  This results in a f/5.6 and f/6.1 aperture and light gathering ability (in terms of FF equivalence) respectively.

1) Overall shot @ 200mm using just the Canon 70-200mm F/4L IS II @ 200mm F4.  EOS RP on the left, XE-1 + Lens Turbo II on the right.  200mm F/4 and 219mm F/4.3, respectively after proper conversion.  (For all intents and purposes, equivalent).  Note: The XE-1 RAW files did NOT come out as pictured below.  Exposure and white balance adjusted to match Canon.  The Fuji files came out dark and pink whereas the Canon files came out looking vibrant and strong as below.  A testament to Canon colors!  Still, the Fuji files can easily be matched in post with no penalty.
Center crop 1:1.  The Fujifilm XE1 is holding its own despite having extra glass jammed between the lens! Bravo XTRANS!!
Next up, same exact setup except this time with Canon's 1.4x extender for 280mm on the EOS RP and 306mm on the Fujifilm after taking into account the Lens Turbo II conversion.  
At 1:1, the results look quite similar in the middle. Impressive. I may even give the slight edge to Fujifilm, but keep in mind it's also magnified more.  So call it a wash.
And in case you're wondering how they compare on the very edge, very similarly.  Again, Fujifilm appears sharper, perhaps due to being more "zoomed in" at 306mm vs. 280.  Impressive!
Of course, the Lens Turbo II lacks aperture control and autofocus, this is just a test of optics. However, this particular Canon 70-200 F4L IS II is Canon's latest and greatest of their legendary 70-200 F4 lineup, so it has optics to match 50mp sensors.  So it performs stellar wide open which makes it perfect for situations where you're stuck with the largest aperture.  

Next I may try my Fujifilm X-T3 which should produce even more impressive results!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Fujifilm X100V lens sharpness vs. Fujifilm 23 F2 WR at 2-3 feet distance

Fujifilm X100V
26MP, 4K/30, Tilt-Screen, Weathersealed
Part II of my X100 Mark II lens comparison (vs. XF 23 WR)

Short-Medium Distance Lens Testing Vs. 23 WR

Some have noted that the new X100V Mark II lens is sharper than the Fujifilm 23 F2 WR.  So far my testing has shown this is only true at distances less than 2 feet.  Lets say 1-2 feet and especially beyond all the way to infinity... where you would be shooting much of your photos.  Those tests will come soon. For now, this is a test at 2-3 feet!

Below I demonstrate how close both lenses are evenly matched even at 2-3 ft. distance.  If you're super-pixel-peeping, you can see the X100 Mark II lens has just a tad more micro-detail.  Just a tad.  My testing shows even a few inches out and beyond, both lenses even out where the 23 WR actually is more detailed (just a tad) as you move out slightly beyond 2-3 ft.  

For all intents and purposes, I'd say these lenses are pretty equal--again except for those distances at 1-2 feet.

For fun, I tested against the Canon RF 35 macro and no surprise, the Canon RF 35mm 1.8 is sharper than both of these lenses, but not by a large margin--just a quite noticeable one at 1:1.  

I can post that result if anyone is interested.

Below are example taken using the Fujifilm XT3 with 23 WR lens and X100V -- both wide open -- both imported into Lightroom and matched for exposure.  Sharpness and all other edits at ZERO so we are comparing apples to apples in terms of sharpness.

Right Crop 1:1

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Fujifilm X100V vs. Fujifilm 23mm WR F2 Lens Sharpness Comparison (surprising results)

Fujifilm X100V
26MP, 4K/30, Tilt-Screen, Weathersealed
The Ultimate X100 is here

(Photo courtesy of Fujifilm)


The things I am excited about with the X100V:
  • Weathersealing!! Finally... I mean the whole point of this camera is for travel and portability right?
  • Tilt-screen.  Again this camera is for the street. This camera needs a tilt screen.
  • Classic negative. Yeah, Fujifilm... XPRO 3 gets CN but not the XT3?  I guess this is how I get CN.
  • USB-C.  This streamlines all my other devices (except iPhone) :-/

The new lens... sorely needed. But does it hold up? I am concerned about AF speed.  The 23 WR is a speed demon on the XT3... and silent. not sure how this holds up. I will report. And  if necessary, I won't be nice.

Here is something I put together using stock photos showing how the X100F has evolved into the X100V.  It grew just a tad as you can see.  Probably not enough to notice in real world use.  But please Fujifilm, no more growing!

The Test: Fujifilm 23mm F2 WR vs. X100V
Which 23mm is better?

Fujifilm boasts a new 23mm Mark II lens on the X100V.  We all know this.  Fujifilm even publishes its own MTF charts which shows the X100V to have higher marks than the 23 WR.  Since I own the Fujifilm XT3 and Fujifilm 23mm F2 WR AND now the X100V, I decided to shoot some tests.

Method: Both RAW, both on tripod, both with 2 second timer, both single point AF, both 160 ISO, both auto shutter, both zeroed out on exposure comp. In other words, both cameras were identical.

Fast forward?  The Fujifilm 23mm F2 WR is sharper at these medium distances.  At close distances (at about a foot, the X100V blows the 23 WR away by far) wide open.  I will do additional tests as time permits at Infinity distance, but I'm disappointed in this showing. I honestly thought the X100V would fare better.  To make sure it's not a fluke, I shot the X100V an additional three times with identical results.  The XT3/23 WR shots were the first and only take.  And it provided an excellent showing.  Interestingly, the X100V lens shows nearly NO benefit from F2 to F8. It looks virtually identical even in the corners and edges. Stopping down provides no sharpness benefit. This is great performance.  

For all tests, the XT3 and 23MM F2 WR is left and X100V is always on the right
Click on the photos to enlarge them
All photos shot in raw and imported into Lightroom and exported making no changes whatsoever. No further edits.

^F2 Overall Framing

F2 Center

F2 Edge

 ^F8 Overall Framing

F8 Center

F8 Edge

 Close-up 23MM WR F2 wide open

Close-up X100V wide open

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